
Below are the milestones for the Opoch product we have proposed, we plan to divide it in 4 phases as:

Phase 1: Shodh

In March 2017, the team started working on Opoch platform.

Released beta of Opoch fiat-to-crypto on web in Q3 2017 on mainnet and cypto-crypto on DEX using 0x protocol on mainnet by Q1 2018.

Phase 2: Abhyuday

To release Opoch Beta Mobile Wallet by Q2 2018.

Launching fiat-to-crypto and crypto-to-crypto by Q3 2018

Release APIs for Arbitrer and Relayer for fiat-to-crypto by Q4 2018.

Phase 3: Vriddhi

To release Opoch cross platform, multi-currency Wallet by Q1 2019.

Launching Opoch Platform for developers by Q3 2019.

To release Opoch cross platform, multi-currency Wallet by Q1 2019.

Phase 4: Satyug

Launching Dapp layer of Opoch to allow anybody to build over the Opoch protocol and being governed by the community (DAO) by Q1 2020.

Last updated