
The founding team have known each other since last 12 years. Parth and DV have spent countless nights since 2007 strategising DoTA evolving from v6.42. Abhishek & DV co-founded Bright Ants Pvt Ltd. in 2009, where they built games over Facebook Canvas platform before Zostel.

Dharamveer Singh Chouhan (DV)

  • Co-founder and CEO

  • Dharamveer is a serial entrepreneur with experience in Gaming and Travel spread over the last decade. He relishes the challenge of building consumer facing brands that touch soul and fundamentally impact humanity. He believes miracles are real. Whether seeing his childhood dream of making games manifest or building $30 bankroll to $15,000 grinding Poker tournaments, life's been kind for several such examples.

  • Prior to Opoch, Dharamveer worked as CEO and Co-founder of Zostel, a travel-tech startup which pioneered backpacking and youth travel in India. Zostel has raised $35M+ VC and continues to grow every day.

Abhishek Bhutra

  • Co-founder and COO

  • Abhishek has experience working with Technology and Finance. He worked as a Software Engineer with Indus Valley Partner, which supports $1.3T+ Assets Under Management with it's software stack. He worked on Security Management Software which boasts world’s top Hedge Funds as Clients.

  • Prior to Opoch, Abhishek worked as Co-founder and COO of Zostel. He was the first person who worked full-time, and contributed in scaling the company 0 to 700+ employees. He led Operations and Finance at Zostel during his stint and witnessed the company growing from $0 to $25m ARR.

Parth Choudhary

  • Co-founder and CTO

  • Parth builds scalable technology. It is difficult to put his mojo in a simpler manner. He led the engineering at Zostel from 0 to 500,000+ transactions per month. He showcased building technology is more than money when he repeatedly beat the competition in delivery, quality and platform availability.

  • Post Zostel, he indie hacked Hiration Inc. from 0 to $400K ARR. which helps people get their dream careers. Previously, he worked as a software engineer @Adobe building products that touch millions every day. He was bit by the Blockchain bug in Sept'16 and has difficulties on focusing anything else since then. Rarely moves.

Zostel and ZO Rooms

All three of them were part of the founding team at Zostel and ZO Rooms (Two different brands of same startup). During the years at Zostel, they built a $25m ARR business, raised $35M+ VC, scaled operations with 700+ employees across 35+ cities in SEA. They won Best Startup in Wharton India Economic Forum and Ivey Business School Canada. They were also rewarded with the Best Marketing Campaign in India in year 2014 among several other accolades.

Building awesome stuff requires focus on the product rather than the name below it. The close bond, zero tolerance for bullshit, and experience with successes and failures, uniquely positions the team to take on the challenges for Opoch Age. The information revolution will not be overnight, but require decades of perspiration and hard work. The team knows its strengths and weaknesses, has mastered internal communication and is committed to growth and discipline that the opportunity demands.

Last updated