Entering Crypto Ecosystem

Digital Asset Trade Experience

Markets work on demand and supply. Somebody in your country right now is selling Bitcoin at market price. Somebody in your country is willing to pay for it. Unfortunately in all probability, both of them would be interacting with a 3rd party intermediary, like a centralised exchange in most cases and not directly with each other. We wish to change that.

The experience of trading or using cryptocurrencies in a decentralised manner must be better or at par with centralised solutions, if we are to expect the larger masses to use them.

What's not going to change in 10 years? Because you can build a business strategy around things that are not going to change. For example, 'I love Amazon; I just wish you'd deliver a little more slowly', nobody is going to say that in the next 10 years. Therefore, we can focus on making sure we keep improving our delivery times.

Jeff Bezos, Founder and CEO, Amazon Inc.

Distribution of Time

For simplicity, the time required to do any online trade can be broken down into 2 parts.

  1. Discovery and communication of Trade between parties

  2. Transfer of Assets

For Physical Assets: Transferring (Shipping) physical assets bought online is more time consuming than discovery of the same right now. That's why 1-day delivery, 2-hour delivery is what excites the consumer and adoption most. This ever improving experience has driven e-commerce adoption to levels that has crushed the traditional retail industry.

For Crypto Assets: On transfer of Digital Assets: Lightning network, Plasma and other scalable technologies in development do help to solve for instant Digital Asset transfers. As stated above, it's one part of the total time, but experience also fundamentally depends on time of Discovery and communication of the Trade.

Centralised inventory models, and exchanges that hold consumer digital assets in their order books can do the Discovery and communication of trade instantaneously as well.

Opoch aims to do this exchange without 3rd party intermediary as we are building the marketplace for interested parties.

To provide a great user experience in a decentralised manner requires two key components

  • Product Experience

  • Community (Network Effects)

Product is an evolving phenomenon and we'll be building closely with selected communities to fine tune the product for their requirements. As product stabilises we'll be able to open up global geographies and customise accordingly. As we do not hold any assets with us for the transaction, we can rapidly scale across desired markets globally.

The communication and discovery aspect without 3rd party intermediary is broken at the moment. By being mobile first, the landscape changes and allows us to innovative freely.

Right now, trying to do this P2P trade is like trying to build Uber in a world of Desktops and emails.

We realise this communication cannot be on email, where there is a delay in communication, but by being closer to the user always, on their smartphone. Thus reducing the latency of communication and showing the community its' importance in enabling this seamless experience.

Moving on to the most important aspect for unveiling of Opoch Age.

Community: This is where we require your help, marketplaces fundamentally require early pioneering community. It must have users at both ends of market, such that we can create the experience of trading digital assets comparable to other centralised models.

We must remember, we are in less than 1% adoption phase. So, although we will build both sides of the marketplace, fundamentally we require 99% of the people to buy into the crypto world, before they can proceed further.

Thankfully, OPCH tokens allow us to appreciate and reward the early pioneers for their endeavours. We need people and communities who can put up with a not so-good experience in early days. We will keep innovating till every new user who joins the bandwagon, feels delighted at the technology and experience.

Last updated