Blogs/Extra material

Where is information?

Another simple word, that many of us feel we understand pretty well. The dictionary definition of information talks about 'Data' and 'Knowledge'. As much as we like to believe Data is the core of information age, most data is fact that's always been around.

Sun rises from the east is a Data point. But, to truly understand the reasons for the same is gathering of knowledge.

Where does any knowledge originate or end?

In the realms of human thought.

If we are hungry for data, there's nowhere where it's being produced faster, cheaper or better than inside the human brain. A lot of this data is gets wasted every moment. We do not live in a society that freely enables sharing of thoughts. We judge people for their thoughts, despise them, fight them, curse them and sometimes even go to wars with them. Hopefully, that future is past us.

Advertisement powered Internet

Top 3 website on the Internet are:

  1. Google

  2. Youtube

  3. Facebook

  • Google made ~$25b in Q1' 18.

  • Facebook made ~$12b in Q1' 18.

Advertisement dominates as a source of revenue for almost all of the most visited websites in the world. It has supported the global internet infrastructure, development of amazing technologies that have enabled billions of individuals to experience internet.

The problem that exist because of the same are many as well. Example, Click-bait titles, fake news, etc. But, the industry that's been crushed because of it, is the traditional journalism industry.

Fall of the Journalism industry

As things moved over the internet, journalism couldn't keep up. Gatekeepers that control traffic have not just failed to stop fake news, but also rise of the click-bait titles and lack of quality production. Without market and money there's not much that can be done by individuals.


We hope that by the 22nd century, when information age has reached all the corners of humanity. When we have enabled every individual, we would have built a society where equality of opportunity is not a thing that's rare. Advantages on the basis of

  • Color

  • Geography

  • Gender

  • Language, etc.

have been removed, and we value each human for what s/he is, a culmination of billions of years of hard work by the universe. We hope we build a society where anyone ca

Walmart vs Amazon

Let's take a look at time taken to go and shop at Walmart.

With Voice and Alexa, Amazon is reducing the time to do first aspect of trade even more.

Importance of Time

We do not understand time. But, a close relation with time and human free will is that you can only exercise your free will at this very instant. You're reading this whitepaper right now, it's a choice you've made and it's gone now.

Thinking is a process that requires Time.

  • To think what we'll do for our lives takes time.

  • To think, 'I really love her', takes time.

Future of Jobs

Thinking is the only skill that separates us from machines we build. Robotics, AI and Data science are going to take away more traditional jobs than we can imagine.[17]

Ease of Information production and distribution is key to opening up information age markets. Once their are markets, individuals will follow.

Even right now, with positive network effects, Social media and internet have inherent value because other individuals are present to share information. Almost all of the information consumed, whether with blogs, articles, posts, tweets, photos, Instagram stories etc. are produced by individuals like you and me.

Gatekeepers which act as platforms for conducting this communication have conveniently decided to share sometimes some of their revenues with a few top 1%ile of creators. To make sure the quality is intact and users don't move platforms.

We're right on the periphery of True Information Age. As it's said, future is here, but its unevenly distributed.

The new models of human connection will rise, once we've opened global communication and transfer of digital assets over it with ease. Opoch aims to do that.

Social Media Addiction

There are various types of Social media, but the traditional ones that are driven by ad revenues require our time. Time spent per user is a key metric for these businesses to showcase wall street. As discussed earlier, this is the very resource that's most limited and precious for every human.

As information age unveils, and the larger masses understand the importance of time, and how it can be used to better their lives in a more productive manner. Their would be new markets that would open up, and connect us all.

Example of a future Information Age

Imagine a future in which even 5% of users are hodling Bitcoin or any cryptocurrency. That means, of the 20 people that live nearby, possible 1 is a Cryptocurrency enthusiast. S/he is incentivised to help you onboard the system as their are positive network effects. But, for once we wish you to think beyond pure incentives as well.


There's inherent security built into the process and ecosystem that it's fundamentally secure in all ways possible.

--Opoch Payment

This means businesses won't be limited to accept only one-time payments, but various types of subscriptions plans, payment requests, etc.


As they say, you must be young and wild to be old and wise.


-- Opoch Mobile App

  1. Bob's public address

  2. Alice's public address

  3. Arbiter's public address and fees

  4. Relayer's public address and fees.

  5. Amount of Token.

  6. Amount of fiat.

  7. Expiration of escrow.

  8. ECDSA Signature of above parameters.

Last updated