In the recent past, the API economy has grown a lot. Businesses are using different APIs to delegate the work they don’t have expertise on[[viii]] enabling faster, cheaper and smarter work. We create APIs to enable cryptocurrency payments for the businesses.

Since the overhead for developers to learn blockchain and crypto currencies is very huge at the moment and moreover businesses want their teams to focus on their product, we provide ready to use API's to business which they can use just like in the centralised banking/payment gateway solution to handle their business specific payment schemes.

Business hit generateSmartContract() function with their business specific JSON data to create the smart-contract. Apart from business use cases, businesses can provide private keys who can have access to these smart-contracts and funds, replicating their hierarchy for account management.

The more details around APIs


POST /v1/deploy/

Deploys a Business Smart

Request Body

    transaction_hash:  <string>,
    bsm_id: <string>

Last updated